Surveying With Drones – A Revolution in Land Surveying

Drones in Surveying

Drones have quickly become one of the most popular pieces of equipment in the land surveying industry. There are many reasons for this, but chief among them is the fact that drones allow surveyors to do their jobs more efficiently and safely. In this blog post, we will discuss how drones have revolutionized the land surveying industry and why they are such an important tool for surveyors. We will also take a look at some of the challenges that drones present to the industry and how they are being overcome.

When drones first appeared on the scene , they were primarily used for aerial photography and mapping. However, it didn't take long for surveyors to realize the potential that drones had for their industry. Drones allow surveyors to access areas that would otherwise be inaccessible or extremely dangerous to reach. They can also cover large areas in a shorter amount of time than traditional surveying methods. Survey grade drones are extremely accurate , which is essential for surveyors who need to collect precise data.

One of the main advantages of drone surveying is for producing topographic maps. In the past, surveyors would have to go into the field and physically measure the ground in order to produce a topographic map. This process was time-consuming and often resulted in inaccuracies. With drone surveying, surveyors can quickly and easily create accurate topographic maps. This is done by flying a drone over the area that needs to be mapped and collecting data using LiDAR or photogrammetry. The data is then processed to create a detailed map.

Drones are also extremely efficient whenever large amounts of dirt are being moved around , such as during construction projects. In the past, surveyors would have to constantly check on the progress of these projects on the ground and make sure that everything was proceeding according to plan. With drones, surveyors can simply fly a drone over the site and compare the current topography to recent topography and calculate the quantity of dirt that's been moved to a very accurate degree.

Another big advantage of drone surveying is that it can be used to collect data in dangerous areas such as interstates and railways. In the past, surveyors would have to go into these areas and manually collect data, which was both time-consuming and dangerous. With drone surveying, surveyors can quickly and easily collect the data they need without putting themselves in harm's way.

Surveyors will map out the drone's flight path prior to takeoff. This is done using GPS and specialized software. Once the flight path is programmed, the drone will automatically fly along the predetermined route and collect data. The data is then downloaded and processed to create a map or model of the area that was surveyed.

While drones have revolutionized the land surveying industry, they do come with some challenges. Regulations surrounding the use of drones can be confusing and vary from country to country. In addition, survey grade drones are expensive and require specialized training to operate. Despite these challenges, drones are quickly becoming an essential tool for surveyors all over the world.

Gonzalez-Strength has been utilizing drones for surveying since they were a viable option and provide our clients with surveys in a shorter time frame and for less money than traditional methods. We'd love to hear from you if you have any questions.